What to expect

We know that moving outside of mainstream education might feel a little scary to start with. That’s why our primary focus is on helping you make the transition as smoothly as possible. Our pupils are at the heart of everything we do, and we will be talking to you at every stage of your time with us to make sure we’re giving you exactly what you need to make good or outstanding progress.

How we achieve this

You will be taught by experienced staff who will develop and share an individual plan for your progression. We’ll provide inspirational teaching, and help you to develop independent learning skills through carefully planned tasks for you to complete between classes or tuition sessions.

We will always share our education plans with you, holding regular reviews and giving you feedback about your progress. You’ll have opportunities to share your views on how things are going too.

We will help you to develop problem solving skills so that you can engage with more learning whilst you are a student with us.


Click here for the BHES student induction booklet – 1to1


BHES does not have a uniform. Students wear their own clothes when attending education.

School Day

The school day varies in each section of the services. Details are outlined in the Location section of the site – click here to access.

School Meals

Meals are provided at Falkland Road. Students in hospital have their meals provided by hospital staff.


Click here for the BHES student induction booklet – classes