
Students are admitted to BHES through a variety of routes, depending on where they are located.

Falkland Road

Students are admitted after referral by a health professional who is providing a health care programme that is aimed at enabling the student to return to their school.

Referrals are considered by a panel of staff and if taken up the students school will be asked to convene a multi agency meeting at which the initial individual support plan will be drawn up.

Bristol Royal Hospital for Children

Students are taught as a result of their admission to hospital. BHES staff liaise with ward staff to record new students and to ascertain if the students health condition will allow them to access education. Wards are visited daily by BHES staff and all students are reassessed to ensure that students are able to access the maximum amount of education possible.


The young people follow a timetable which include time for lessons. Therapeutic work always take priority there are a number of 1:1 sessions and groups which young people must attend. BHES is commissioned to provide 5 hours per week of 1:1 and small group work to KS3 and 4 learners and 6 hours per week to KS5 learners. The curriculum provided focuses on core subjects but will include subjects appropriate to the young person or to develop engagement.