
We are delighted that at our most recent inspection in June 2023, Ofsted rated BHES as outstanding. We have outlined some of the findings below.

Pupils thrive at this exceptionally nurturing provision. Staff promote very positive relationships. They ensure learning is taught in ways that pupils enjoy and can access. Consequently, pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), quickly experience success. Most rediscover an interest in learning and optimism for their futures. The feelings of parents are summarised well by the comment of one, who said: ‘Bristol Hospital Education Service saved my child’s education.’

Staff share very high expectations for pupils. Pupils benefit from following personalised programmes of study, within the context of a carefully planned core curriculum offer. Careers advice and work experience are woven into pupils’ planned pathways. This supports pupils in learning to value their place in their school and local communities.

Pupils’ behaviour in the school’s settings is exemplary. Lessons are highly focused, calm and purposeful. Pupils recognise that this supports them to learn well. Pupils take pride in their work. Staff are skilled and know how to support the needs of individual pupils.
Bullying is extremely rare and resolved quickly should it occur. As a result, pupils rightly say they are kept safe.

Leaders, including governors, are unwaveringly focused on improving outcomes for pupils. Their rationale for the curriculum is underpinned by the shared ambition to reignite pupils’ interest in learning and prepare them for a successful future. Everyone recognises the importance of broadening pupils’ experiences and removing any barriers to their learning. To do this, leaders have planned a highly ambitious and effective curriculum.

For inspection purposes Bristol Hospital Education Service is a Pupil Referral Services with a DfE number.