
Please find below, our student GCSE and destination data for the past 3 years


There were 84 students in Yr 11 at BHES year ending July 2021.  Examinations were taken in 14 different subjects and 77% of the students achieved on or above the grades they were predicted in their KS2 results.

44% achieved a grade of 5 in English and Maths

83% of students leaving BHES after their GCSE’s remained in employment education or training.


There were 89 students in Yr 11 at BHES year ending July 2020.  Examinations were taken in 14 different subjects and 62% of the students achieved on or above the grades they were predicted in their KS2 results.

82% of students leaving BHES after their GCSE’s remained in employment education or training.

2018- 19

There were 87 students in Yr 11 at BHES year ending July 2019.  Examinations were taken in 17 different subjects and 66% of the students achieved on or above the grades they were predicted in their KS2 results.

Where comparison of progress with local state funded mainstream schools was possible BHES out performed 7 schools in English and 12 schools in Maths.

87% of students leaving BHES after their GCSE’s remained in employment education or training.