
KS3 History

This is a three-year rolling course.

Students study the following topics:

Year One

Local Study:  Bristol’s Black History – Transatlantic Slave Trade; Windrush Generation; Bristol Bus Boycott; Black Lives Matter

Britain 1066-1509: Norman Conquest; Henry II & Thomas Becket; Black Death; Peasants Revolt

Year Two

Britain 1509-1745: Reformation; Elizabeth I & Spanish Armada; English Civil War

Britain 1745-1914: Slave Trade; Industrial Revolution & Public Health; Suffragettes

Year Three

Britain & Wider World 1900-2000: World War One & Treaty of Versailles; World War Two & Holocaust

USA 1950-1970: Civil Rights Movement

The focus at KS3 is on literacy and the acquisition of key historical skills.

Recommended Revision Guide

CGP KS3 History Complete Revision & Practice

KS3 Bitesize

KS4 History

This is a two year linear course. Students sit four exam papers at the end of Year 11. There is no coursework or controlled assessment.

Examination Board: WJEC Eduqas

Students study the following modules:

Year 10

Germany in Transition, 1919-1939

The Development of the USA, 1929-2000

Year 11

The Elizabethan Age, 1558-1603

Changes in Health and Medicine in Britain, c.500 to the present day

GCSE History Specification

Recommended Revision Guide

WJEC Eduqas GCSE (9-1)

GCSE History Past Papers

GCSE Bitesize

GCSE Bitesize