IMPORTANT – PLEASE READ – Falkland Road Classes Operating procedures September 2020
Student and Parents.
Our intention is to allow access to the base for Students and Staff in a safe and efficient manner that minimises movement around the site and interaction between individuals beyond what is absolutely necessary.
This approach seeks to minimise the risk of Covid 19 infections spreading by:
- maintaining physical distancing as far as possible at all times;
- ensuring everyone can and requiring everyone to maintain good standards of hygiene and advised practice at all times;
- ensuring that it is possible to know who is at risk of infection and who is required to isolate should any person attending Falkland Road contract Covid 19.
At all times:
Staff and students will stay at home and not attend Falkland Road should they feel unwell.
Parents and staff will contact BHES immediately if they or their child feels ill with Covid 19 symptoms. (note: Covid 19 symptoms will be taken from NHS guidance at the time the person feels unwell). Parents and students should use NHS resources as a source of information.
Staff and students will stay at home and not attend Falkland Road if a member of their household feels ill with Covid 19 symptoms or has tested positive for Covid 19.
On approach to the entrance of the building, students will maintain physical distancing. Students will register as instructed by member of staff then use hand sanitiser as they enter the building.
Students and staff will follow the one way system as indicated by arrows on walls.
Parents will not enter the building unless a specific meeting has been arranged with a member of staff. Face to face meetings will only occur if absolutely necessary.
If staff are meeting a student to help them integrate into classes then they will do this outside.
Students and staff will maintain physical distancing as far as possible.
Students and staff will wash hands with soap and water or use hand sanitiser on a regular basis. Every time they enter the building or a classroom.
Staff and Students will use disposable tissues if they cough or sneeze, tissues will be placed into bins immediately and hands will be washed/sanitised.
Staff & Students will avoid any one to one face to face conversations at all times.
Students will remain in classrooms for lessons and then leave at the end of their teaching times according to individual timetables.
There will be no break time in the social area, students will have breaks in learning during lessons.
Staff may plan teaching outside and in offsite outside locations close to Falkland Road.
Staff & Students will avoid raising their voices at all times.
Rooms will be as well ventilated as possible.
Staff will check e mails and text messages before leaving home each day to check that Falkland Road has not had to close due to any reported Covid 19 illness. (Falkland Road will only be closed on Public Health advice/instruction to do so.)
Staff and students in high risk groups will be individually risk assessed before they return to Falkland Road.
There will be
no visitors to the Falkland Road site (except for newly referred students who will visit after 13:30 when classes have ended)
All meetings, engagement reviews, etc... will be held remotely via video, telephone or e mail.
External technicians/contractors/ Deliveries.
Where possible visits by external contractors will be arranged after 13:30 when the majority of classes have ended and staff/students have left the site.
Deliveries will be made to the front entrance. Where necessary deliveries will be directed to rear entrance by staff in reception.
Entering the building:
All students will enter the building through the main door on Falkland Road.
Students will be signed in on the daily marking in sheet by the learning mentor who will be stationed in reception. SIMS will be updated at midday by admin staff.
Everyone will use the hand sanitiser on the reception counter as they come into the building.
Staff and students will follow the one-way system (turning right and accessing the 1
st floor classrooms via the science kitchen staircase). Members of the inclusion team will be stationed to monitor corridors.
Staff and students will proceed directly to the classroom that they are timetabled to study, support or teach in.
If any person wishes to use the toilet on their way to their first working session/lesson they will use either the allocated toilets off the kitchen corridor, or the toilets on the first floor.
Leaving the Building
At the end of their timetabled lessons all staff and students will leave the building immediately via the Falkland Road Door. Staff will be able to remain on site to prepare materials for future lessons, however on site time should be minimised and staff should prepare work off site as far as possible.
Any students waiting to be picked up will do so outside Falkland Road in the BHES outside area by the double doors. They will be supervised by BHES staff at all times.
During Lessons.
Each student will be given their own folder to keep their work. Folders will be kept overnight in specified crates, one for each class/year group. Students who have not brought their own pens, pencils, etc. will be given a set for them to use exclusively. They will use this set in all lessons then keep it in the folder for using every day.
Staff will ensure that seating plans ensure that students avoid face to face contact. Tables will be set up in rooms to facilitate this.
Staff will minimise the need for students to share any equipment, text books, etc... during learning activities. Any equipment used by students in lessons will be cleaned between classes with wipes.
Staff will plan regular breaks in learning activities to be taken by students in the classroom as there will be no whole school break between lessons 2 and 3.
Staff in classrooms will organise staff comfort breaks to ensure that there is always at least 1 member of staff in the classroom at all times.
Students will sit in the working space that they have been allocated.
Students will use their own equipment and will only share equipment if directed to do so by the teacher. (see comments re cleaning).
Students will store any papers, exercise books or other learning materials in their own folder.
Students will take toilet breaks at specified times depending on class, this will avoid congestion in the toilets. These are:
KS3 End of periods 1,2 and 3.
Y10 9.40-9.50, 10.30-10-40, 11-50-12-00, 12-25-12-35
Y11 10-00-1010, 10-50-11-00, 12-00-12-10
During the above times more than 1 student will be allowed to go to the toilet. Students will go directly to the toilet and return directly to the classroom. Students will not congregate or socialise in the toilets or corridors during these times.
Students will remain in classrooms during toilet breaks if they do not wish to use the toilet.
Students will use the toilets on the first floor or the toilets on the ground floor off the kitchen corridor.
Students will remain in classrooms at all times unless given specific permission to leave by the teacher.
If a student is given permission to leave the classroom they will be accompanied by the inclusion worker allocated to that class.
Students will remain in classrooms during any learning breaks planned by the teacher.
Transitions between Lessons will be carried out calmly and quickly. Students will be directed to wait in specific areas of corridors if necessary. Teachers will ensure that lessons end on time and that students use the 1 way system as this will support physical distancing during room changes.
Adaptations to timetable.
During term 1 there will be no activity sessions.
During term 1 there will be no face to face numeracy or Literacy support.
There will be no break time.
Classes will start at 09:30 and finish at 12:50. Students will be picked up at 12:50.
Any student attending a class after 12:50 will be given pick up times from 4
th September.
Adaptations to the timetable and rooming will be made to accommodate class sizes.
Adaptation to Site
A one way system for moving between the ground and first floor will be introduced. Direction markings will be on walls. (During any emergency evacuations staff & students will leave by the most direct route, the 1 way system will not be followed)
All classroom doors will be open during lessons to ensure ventilation. In the event of a fire alarm the last person to leave the room is always a member of staff, this member of staff will remove the wedge holding the door open.
Classrooms will be well ventilated at all times. Staff and students will need to be adequately dressed as room temperature will be weather dependent.
The Kitchen will not be entered or used by any students at any time.
There will be no more than 2 members of staff in the kitchen at any one time. Staff will be provided with tea and Coffee.
Students and staff will need to bring their own food, no food will be provided on site. (except in exceptional circumstances.)
Students will be required to bring a water bottle to school. There will be water available to refill bottles as required. If you do not have a water bottle please inform a member of staff on entering the building.
Learning Mentor and SLT support.
There will be one learning mentor on site each day they will be based in the reception office. SLT and the Learning mentor will walk corridors to monitor classes on a regular basis.
In each classroom there will be hand sanitiser and toilet tissue available at all times for staff and student use. Students may wish to bring their own hand sanitiser, this must be effective against Covid 19.
In all classrooms there will be cleaning products to wipe down any surfaces that require cleaning between lessons. (surfaces include keyboards, mice, tables & chairs). Students will do this at the end of each lesson before they move to a new room.
Students and staff will be able to wear masks if they choose to do so. All staff will need to be aware that masks prevent communication for those who lip read and so staff must differentiate communication to ensure that no person with hearing difficulties is discriminated against.
Student Illness
If any student begins to feel ill while on site they will be isolated in a separate room, their parent will be contacted to collect them. PPE will be available for use by any member of staff who provides care if they are not able to maintain physical distancing. Room will then be deep cleaned.
As per normal practice, for any student whose illness prevents them engaging with BHES provision, we will review and adapt provision to address engagement difficulties that are health condition based.